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Caddy Adzuba

2009 Julio Anguita Parrado International Journalism Award for "risky and deeply committed efforts towards the values of peace and the defence of human rights."

Born in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, in 1981. She holds a law degree from the Official University of Bukavu and is a founding member of the Un Altavoz para el Silencio network (a Euroarab Foundation project),  Caddy Adzuba works as a journalist for Radio Okapi, the radio station of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo--MONUC--that broadcasts throughout the entire country.

Adzuba is a member of the East Congo Women´s Media Association, thanks to which various allegations have been made to the International Criminal Court and the United States Senate, reporting the sexual violence suffered by women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country that has been at war since 1996 and where an average of 40 women are raped each day since the beginning of the conflict.

Throughout Caddy Adzuba´s career, the 2009 Julio Anguita Parrado International Journalism Award highlights her commitment towards defending human rights and building peace through her efforts as a journalist in one of the most atrocious conflicts in the world, as well as reporting the violence that takes place against women, the use of child soldiers, and defending the freedom of expression.


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