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Vis a Vis

Vis a Vis, the Professional Meeting between Spanish cultural promoters and African musicians.

The internationalisation of African music is essential for the sustainable development of the music sector throughout the continent. That’s why Casa África is organising «Vis a Vis», a Professional Meeting between Spanish cultural promoters and African musicians that this institution has been holding for years in the neighbouring continent with the aim of guaranteeing a greater presence of African music on Spanish stages. The winning groups go on tour through the festivals taking part in the programme, which includes the main festival programmers of the Spanish summer. The main idea of the project is to provide a space for dialogue, giving the African artist the chance to convey his ideas, creations and aspirations directly to his Spanish interlocutors. During the Vis a Vis, the Spanish programmers can enjoy the live concerts and then hold meetings with the groups and select the two that will participate in the summer tour later on.


Playlist con más de 40 vídeos de las últimas ediciones

Events and activities

Relacionados con el programa Vis a Vis

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Previous editions

Evento Finalizado
Inscripción del bandas del 3 de febrero al 10 de marzo de 2023
Evento Finalizado
From 15th to 17th March 2019 in Accra. Entries will be accepted until 22th February
Evento Finalizado
From 1 to 4 March 2018 in Malabo. Entries will be accepted until 19 February
Evento Finalizado
From 23th to 25th March 2017 in Luanda
Evento Finalizado
From 9th to 11th March 2016 in Ivory Coast. Inscriptions until 22th February
Evento Finalizado
From 5th to 7th March 2015 in Dakar, Senegal
Evento Finalizado
From 13th to 16th February 2014 in Zanzibar, Tanzania
Evento Finalizado
Para participar: del 14 de marzo al 4 de abril 2013. Visita de los programadores a Sudáfrica: del 11 al 13 de abril 2013
Evento Finalizado
Del 12 de diciembre 2011 al 5 de febrero 2012
Evento Finalizado
Del 21 de febrero al 10 de abril de 2011
Evento Finalizado
March 18-20, 2010

Who is who

En Vis a Vis


Cantante, compositor, guitarrista y productor musical

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Si eres promotor, músico o agente cultural, te invitamos a formar parte de nuestra red de contactos. 

Vis a Vis en el archivo multimedia

Vis a Vis en el archivo multimedia