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Sadamba Tcha-Koura, commonly known as Sami Tchak, was born in Togo in 1960. He graduated from the Sorbonne on Philosophy, and after that he taught in a school for three years. He moved to France in 1986 to study Sociology, and he got his PhD in 1993.
In this period, he starts focusing his investigations on african women’s sexuality and on the havoc caused by AIDS in Africa. He published a number of sociological studies about those topics: Formation d'une élite paysanne (1995), La sexualité féminine en Afrique (1999) and L'Afrique à l'épreuve du SIDA (2000).
In 1996, he traveled to Cuba to carry out a study about prostitution, about which he later published a book, La Prostitution à Cuba (1999). When he discovered México and Colombia, they influenced his writing choices. Since his novel Hermina (2003), all his books take place in a Latin America that resembles Africa very closely.
He participated in Casa África’s “Género, sexualidad y compromiso social en la ficción de mujeres” round table as a speaker. This event took place on th 18th of april 2018 in the mark of the activities surrounding the exposition “Desvelos”, in the mark of the “Programa de Equidad de Género desde la Cultura”. In 2017, his novel La fiesta de las máscaras (La fête des masques) was published in Spain in collaboration with the publishing house “Baile del Sol”, in Casa Africa’s Literature Collection.
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