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Security, the subject of Casa África's 7th Essay Prize


Casa África for the 7th consecutive year organises its Essay Prizes on African issues, with which it hopes to recognise, encourage and disseminate original and unpublished essays which will contribute to a better knowledge of the African continent.

The subject chosen for 2015  is security in Africa, thus opening up an area to debate and reflect on the challenges that the African continent faces on this matter and to the opportunities its search offers to governments, civil societies, supranational institutions and the private sector.

Casa África's intention is to allow a wide perspective of the topics that make up security in Africa, so that the essays can include all possible aspects, from conflicts and issues of defence and police security to those of legal certainty, going through the economic and financial field, food security, health, piracy and terrorism, cyber security or trafficking.

Aspirants to the prize can analyse issues both of today as well as the rise of Jihadism on the African continent (Boko Haram, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al Shabaab), the situation of conflicts that are still active on the continent (Central African Republic), the impact of the legal and financial security (or lack of it) in development as well as focusing on the perspective from various types of security: military, legal, health (epidemics and their impact on societies), food, etc.

A single prize of 2,000 euros will be awarded and the winning essay will be published as part of Casa África's Essay Collection published in collaboration with Ediciones La Catarata.