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Casa África's Director General, on an official visit to Guinea Bissau


Casa África's Director General, Luis Padron, last week culminated a trip to Guinea Bissau, which served to present the institution to the country's authorities and open channels of collaboration designed to foster greater collaboration and mutual awareness. The trip, which had a marked aspect of economic diplomacy, had the support of the Embassy of Spain in Guinea Bissau, whose head, Alfonso López Perona, accompanied Padrón in the series of institutional meetings that were held.

The trip included meetings with the Secretary of State for Transport and Telecommunications, Joao Bernardo Vieira, Secretary of State for Tourism, Vicente Fernandes, and the Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Idelfrides Fernandes. The Spanish Ambassador also offered a meeting at the Embassy attended by the Minister of Presidency and Government Spokesperson, Baciro Daja and the Minister of Social Communication, Agnelio Regalia.

Casa África's visit has meant a breakthrough in relations with Guinea Bissau, a country that is advancing positively in its democratic consolidation after the coup d'etat of April 2012.

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