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Presentación del libro 'El reparto de África. De la Conferencia de Berlín a los conflictos actuales', de Roberto Ceamanos

The European colonial powers invaded Africa in the late nineteenth century and agreed to divide it up at the Berlin Conference (1884-1885), imposing artificial boundaries that had nothing to do with the ethnic groups living there, generating major conflicts which were also fuelled by the exploitation of natural resources and which continue to this day.

In this work, Roberto Ceamanos speaks to us of this heavy burden of colonial legacy. The book features a foreword by Mbuyi Kabunda that reminds us that Africa must abandon the economic logic used to justify colonization and start producing for Africa.

In the spirit of cooperation between the Red de Casas, Casa Árabe and Casa África are jointly organising the presentation of this book, belonging to the Colección de Ensayos de Casa África, which will take place on 1 February 2017 at 7pm in the Auditorium of Casa Árabe, in the presence of both directors general, Pedro Villena for Casa Árabe and Luis Padrón for Casa África, together with Roberto Ceamanos, author of the work and Mbuyi Kabunda, author of the prologue.

Roberto Ceamanos is Professor of Contemporary History at Zaragoza University. His main research interests focus on the historiography and history of France, and the history of Spain in the 1930s. He is the author of several articles in scientific journals and, among others, of the books: From the history of the labour movement to social history (2004), Militancy and University. The construction of the workers’ history in France (2005), The silenced years. The Second Republic in the region of Tarazona and el Moncayo (2006), The Bolshevik discourse. The French Communist Party and the Second Spanish Republic (2010), Isidro Gomà i Tomàs. From the Monarchy to the Republic, 1927-1936 (2012) and The Paris Commune, 1871 (2014). He is also the secretary of Historiografías, the magazine of history and theory.

Mbuyi Kabunda Badi is a teacher who specialises in the problems of regional integration, development, gender, human rights and conflict in Africa. He has a degree in Political Sciences from the University of the Congo and is currently professor and member of the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg and of the Doctorate in International Relations and African Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has been professor of International Relations and head of the Department of International Relations at the University of Lubumbashi, professor of the same discipline at the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Basel, professor at the Pedro Arrupe Institute of Human Rights of the University of Deusto and at the European Master's in Human Rights and Democratisation in Venice.

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