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Exposición fotográfica 'Soutoura' en Guinea Ecuatorial

The Soutoura project consists of an exhibit of 30 photographs of African women in different situations and tasks of their everyday life. The photographs have been taken by the photographer Ángel Luis Aldai in his journey through Mali, Niger, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast.

Aldai´s portraits of African women are situated in the current of expanding the concept of beauty to non-Eurocentric canons, and they reflect this beauty, both aesthetic and internal, in the faces and attitudes of anonymous women.

Angel Luis Aldai is a recognised Canarian photographer with more than ten completed exhibits, he has received various awards and has also edited several books with his work.

This exhibit, which forms part of the parallel activities organised by Casa África regarding the 1st African Film Festival in Equatorial Guinea, will first be in the city of Bata and will then travel to Malabo. The dates are:

SOUTOURA IN BATA: from February 6 - 19, 2010, at the Spanish Cultural Centre.

SOUTOURA IN MALABO: from February 23 - March 5, 2010, at the Spanish Cultural Centre

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