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Diálogo entre Think Tanks sobre África Subsahariana: Desafíos para el desarrollo social y económico de África

In recent years, Africa has undergone a time of economic and political change. This requires governments to redefine their strategies to ensure that growth benefits the whole of society, and to face new challenges in an increasingly interconnected and globalised world.

Therefore, the support of think tanks is increasingly necessary in Africa. They enable political leaders to understand a society’s needs and potential first-hand, allowing governments to be proactive in communicating those needs to multilateral institutions which continue to support Africa in areas such as governance, security and social/economic development.

In November 2015, Casa África held the First Meeting of Africa-Spain Think Tanks, aware of the importance of these centres of thought when public policies are being prepared and of their influence on the development of civil societies. For 2016, Casa África has organised this event in order to enable dialogue in the lead up to the Second Meeting of Africa-Spain Think Tanks, scheduled for 2017.

Five African and five Spanish think tanks will be invited to this conference, together with four Spanish universities noted for their commitment to the analysis of Africa. The event will be held on 14 December 2016 at Casa África’s headquarters.

The day will be structured around theme-based working groups where each think tank can develop their line of work and find synergies about the prospects for Africa by 2020 with other participating think tanks. The aim is to give visibility to the work of African and Spanish think tanks in the development of Africa, in aspects central to the development of the continent such as the importance of think tanks in Africa, the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and how to jointly promote inclusive and sustainable growth in Africa.

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