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Magic and Central African rituals, the focus of Casa África´s latest exhibit


Black. Central African Art is the exhibit that will be installed in Casa África´s exposition halls these days, and it may be enjoyed through January 21st, from Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. It consists of an exhibit that has been ceded by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where the project originated at the hand of its commissioners, Jesús Zoido Chamorro and Ferdulis Zita Odome Angone, and which presents pieces from the Gabao Collection. This is an exceptional opportunity to view a snippet of the extremely vast and varied production of Central African art, with pieces made by Fang, Punu, Téké, Kota, Mbété, Pygmy or Mangbetu ethnic groups.

In those societies that reside in the regions of Central Africa, respecting the rules of religious life requires extremely varied physical mediums. These consist of handmade objects that become relics for conserving the energy of deceased ancestors, masks to honour the deceased, harps and instruments that symbolise the door to access the supernatural world, etc.  This magical world is the foundation of the Negro exhibit. Central African Art.

Casa África´s cultural strategy addresses various objectives, but the primary one is always to bring Africa and Spain closer together through mutual awareness. Other objectives of Casa África´s policies in the area of art in general and specific exhibits are to promote values that emerge from contemporary African art and to contribute towards African development by promoting cultural industries in the continent. The institution believes that culture generates knowledge and critical thought, in addition to driving development, which is why it considers culture to be one of the pillars of its work.