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Peace and security


This book features the most relevant voices from both Africa and Europe, analysing the principal issues related to peace and security in sub-Saharan Africa. Divided into three main areas (The impact of the international crisis on Africa, the situaction of governance and 'fragile states' and cooperation proposals between Africa and Europe in this field), the book presents and discusses two principals ideas: Africa has become a priority on the international peace and security agenda, and at the same time, the countries and organisations of the African continent have set up a new continent-wide architecture to tackle these problems. Abdalla Hamdok, Emile Ognimba, J. G. (Pal) Martins, Antonio Sánchez-Benito, Paul-Simon Handy, Juan Grande, Ibrahim Manu Yusuf, Iza Lejárraga, John Anyanwu, Juliette Khady Sow, Luisa Barrenechea, Miguel Fernández-Palacios, Ramón Gil-Casares and Vusi Bruce Koloane are the authors of this volume, which aims to pose new questions and prompt new debates in this field.