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La prenda es el lienzo

The Casa África Consortium and Gran Canaria’s Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño  (EASDGC), are collaborating in the organization of this exhibition titled “The garment is the canvas”.

It is a display of 15 pieces of fashion design that have been created by the students in the second year of the EASDGC’s Advanced Artistic Education in Fashion Design, within the subject of Contemporary Fashion Projects.

This exhibition takes place in conjunction with the exhibition “El iris de Lucy” and can be visited in Casa África from 25 May to 2 June 2017, in the annexes to the main patio.

To create the designs, the EASDGC students have taken as reference some of the works of art in the exhibition “El iris de Lucy”, a joint production between CAAM and Casa África which is being exhibited simultaneously in both institutions. The designers have focused their reflection on these works, resulting in the creation of fashion garments inspired by them. The final works resulting from the encounter with art as a cultural experience in different expressive media are those we can now enjoy (for a short time) in our headquarters.

Free admission. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6:30pm

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