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Luis Padrón talks about business opportunities in Africa at the Foreign Markets Forum APD


Casa África's Director General, Luis Padrón, yesterday took part in Foreign Markets Forum APD of Santiago de Compostela, dedicated to the African continent and which was attended by about a hundred business leaders of the Autonomous Community of Galicia. In his presentation, Luis Padron explained what is at present the potential of the African continent, the growing interest of Spanish companies to invest in it and Casa África's role as part of public and economic diplomacy to bring Africa to Spain.

Organised by the Association for the Advancement of Management (APD), with the support of IGAPE, Cesce and CaixaBank, the forum echoed the growing importance of the African market, both due to its rates of economic growth and its demographic and development opportunities and emerging sectors that are being generated.

The audience, made up of entrepreneurs who see Africa as a land of opportunity for small and medium Spanish companies, wanted to learn through this initiative of the possibilities offered by a continent where much of the work is yet to be done.

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