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Seminario ‘África en el contexto internacional: Retos económicos y políticos’

Development and security in Africa are some of the most important topics on the United Nations´ agenda. The need to establish suitable mechanisms and to promote the institutions that specifically address the pending challenges that continue to affect development as well as political stability and security in the continent drive the United Nations to continue working each day in the search of elements that will provide an effective response by the international community.

In this regard, the United Nations believe in the need to continue increasing awareness of the governments and the civil society about the reality faced by Africa. For this reason, and coinciding with the África Vive initiative celebrated in the Basque Country, the United Nations Association proposes to organise an event to promote awareness regarding the challenges and advances regarding peace, security and development faced by the neighbouring continent, taking advantage of the occasion to foster a closer relationship between the Basque Country and the African continent. This initiative has been backed by the Asociación para las Naciones Unidas en España (ANUE, United Nations Association in Spain), the Basque Government, and Casa África.

Eventos y actividades