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Jornada: África Subsahariana. Descubriendo un nuevo mundo de oportunidades para la empresa española

BeCompetitiveorganises these conferences aimed at companies interested in finding new business opportunities, growth and international markets. The idea is to help and provide them with an updated view of sectoral business opportunities offered by the region.

The conference, to be held at ESADE Madrid (Mateo Inurria 25-27), is in line with those organised by Casa África to publicise African markets as business opportunities for Spanish companies and this is why the institution's general director, Luis Padron, will present the session "The importance of economic diplomacy in Spain-Africa relations".

The intention is that businessmen attending the conference will discover a new world of business opportunities for the international growth of their company. The unstoppable growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is awaiting the arrival of the Spanish company. The search for new business opportunities, growth and international markets is part of the traditions and way of managing, directing and doing business in our companies, regardless of their size.

The programme planned for the celebration of the conference can be downloaded here

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