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César Mba Abogo

His first novel, ‘El Porteador de Marlow’ (Marlow´s Bearer), is a combination of short stories and poems that describe the current situation in Africa.

He holds a PhD in International Relations, a Master´s degree in Governance and Human Development, and a Bachelor´s degree in Economics. Professionally, he has worked in the Banking industry and in the world of Marketing. Today, he advises multilateral agencies, investors and private companies. He is an author, a Corporate Economics professor at the National University of Equatorial Guinea, and a founder of the IDHR, S.L. company that specialises in managing and training human resources for multicultural working environments.

Mba Abogo is also a member of the Centre of Equatorial Guinea Studies, which is an independent association with an academic, private and international focus that aims to motivate proposals that foster the nation´s economic, political and cultural development.

His first book, El Porteador de Marlow. Canción negra sin color, (Marlow´s Bearer. Colourless Black Song), has a style that wavers between surrealism and magical realism.  It paints a reality in which Africa and Guinea are not distant territories, but rather a part of a global and interconnected world in which the pernicious effects of colonialism and racist attitudes still persist, but where the need to find meeting spaces and cultural hybridisation also exists.


  • Casa África

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